"The End of the Dinosaurs." Mikaela and Tyler, Chugiak High School, did a few of their senior portraits as conceptual composites.
Storytelling Portraiture
- Conceptual / Composite / Fine Art -
I'm going to tell you a secret.
I hate having my portrait taken. Even selfies (which is why you'll only see really weird faces
if you take a look at my cell phone camera roll. If you get past all the cat pictures, of course).
I also hate looking at myself in the mirror. It only happens about twice a day
– in the morning as I apply the makeup, and in the evening after it has come off.
That's it.
But I loved it when people walked by our mall studio and giggled at my self portraits.
I'd glance up, eyes just above the edge of my tall receptionist's desk so they couldn't see me,
and I'd smile at their excitement. Their energetic waves for their friends to
”Come here! Come take a look at this!”
I'm not comfortable creating portraits of myself ”looking good”.
But I want portraits of myself (you know, for my future self and for
my future children and grandkids).
So I create interesting – and funny - composites.
My favorites – and what seemed to be the mall people's favorites –
is the one of me playing cards with myself (and getting caught cheating, oops),
and the one where I'm setting mom's kitchen on fire (while my mom is reading a book
and mom's cats are doing crazy things around us).
Everyone wants "creative" portraits.
I specialize in Creative Portraits.
We of course also create ”normal” portraits for you during your session.
Grandma & Grandpa might want some normal portraits of you on their walls.
But, let's be honest - you WANT to be the star in a composite/conceptual story. (And once Grandma & Grandpa sees your creative portraits, they might want some for themselves too.)
That's what makes them so great – composites and conceptual portraits are for everyone.
And if you're like me, they'll make you feel better about yourself.
"The Moon"
- Series
"Me, Myself & I"
A fantasy composite to show your many sides